A Comparative Study on the Ferrofluid Flow Models with Regards to the Behavior of A Ferrofluid Based Curved Rough Porous Circular Squeeze Film with Slip Velocity

Jimit R Patel, G M Deheri

Article ID: 898
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022


This investigation plans to introduce a correlation among all the three magnetic fluid flow models (Neuringer-Rosensweig’s model, Shliomis’s model, Jenkins’s model) with regards to the conduct of a ferrofluid based curved rough porous circular squeeze film with slip velocity. The Beavers and Joseph's slip velocity has been invoked to assess the impact of slip velocity. Further, the stochastic model of Christensen and Tonder has been utilized to contemplate the impact of surface roughness. The load bearing capacity of the bearing system is found from the pressure distribution which is derived from the related stochastically averaged Reynolds type equation. The graphical portrayals guarantee that Shliomis model might be favoured for preparation of the bearing system with improved life period. However, for lower to moderate values of slip Neuringer-Rosensweig model might be considered. Morever, when the slip is at least the Jenkin's model might be deployed when the roughness is at reduced level.


Circular Bearing, Ferro Fluid, Roughness, Flow models, Load CArrying Capacity

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/ijmss.v1i4.898


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