A Comparative Study of “tree” in The Apple Tree and Hawthorn Tree Forever

Cuiping Ren, Qinhua Lang

Article ID: 8556
Vol 7, Issue 8, 2024


This paper studies the love tragedies in The Apple Tree and Hawthorn Tree Forever which take place, develop, and come to an end under the “tree”. Through the clue of the two stories – “tree”, we can have a glimpse of the development of the love. The apple flower and hawthorn in spring are related to hope and love. The two lovers show love, express love, as well as end love under the tree. With the flowers faded, their love also comes to an end. Through the comparative study of the “tree” in the two stories, the tragic results are foreshadowed. The characteristic of the protagonists is certainly one of the reasons for the tragedies. However, the characteristics are shaped by the society
to some extent. From the social background, we can get some clues.


Comparative Study; Tree; Love Tragedy; The Apple Tree; Hawthorn Tree Forever

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/ijmss.v7i8.8556


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