Optimization Strategies for Process Evaluation in Primary Chinese Teaching

Wenjie Deng

Article ID: 7380
Vol 7, Issue 6, 2024

VIEWS - 14 (Abstract) 4 (PDF)


Process evaluation is a comprehensive evaluation of learning behaviors, learning attitudes, learning methods, learning cognition and other aspects of the teaching process of the elementary school curriculum, throughout the entire teaching process.The introduction of the new curriculum standards has brought developmental impetus to the reform work of elementary school Chinese curriculum teaching and
learning, and at the same time, it has also put forward higher requirements for the teaching activities of elementary school Chinese curriculum.Based on this, elementary school teachers should further innovate the process evaluation model based on the new curriculum standards.Therefore, this paper combines the principles and methods of carrying out process evaluation in elementary school Chinese courses in the context of the new curriculum, innovates process evaluation, and proposes corresponding process evaluation optimization strategies.


process evaluation;Primary education;new standard in the Chinese curriculum

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/ijmss.v7i6.7380


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