Exploring the Relationship between Images and Text in the Picture Book “Rosie’s Walk” and Its Educational Value

Pan Shiyue

Article ID: 7294
Vol 7, Issue 6, 2024

VIEWS - 10 (Abstract) 9 (PDF)


The classic picture book “Rosie’s Walk,” crafted by the renowned British author Pat Hutchins, exemplifies the well-known saying that ‘within every picture book lies at least three narratives.’ Hutchins adeptly harnesses the immediacy of imagery and the succinctness of language to construct a story universe that is simultaneously instructive and captivating. This paper presents an analysis of “Rosie’s Walk,” highlighting the intricate fusion of visual elements and written narrative within the sphere of children’s literature, and elucidating how this
synthesis engenders such a narrative style. Also, it delves into the pedagogical significance of this picture book.


children’s literature; picture books; “Rosie’s Walk”

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/ijmss.v7i6.7294


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