The Origin of the Belt and Road Initiative and Mongolia’s Participation

Bayasakh.J , Shanshan Tian

Article ID: 5027
Vol 7, Issue 3, 2024

VIEWS - 87 (Abstract) 64 (PDF)


For global stability, each country must grasp peace, prosperity, and development. Amid today’s intricate global dynamics, understanding international affairs is crucial. The world faces a slow economic recovery, rising anti-globalization, and prolonged repercussions
of the financial crisis. Unilateralism, protectionism, and power politics threaten peace, and nations confront severe development challenges.
Strengthening regional cooperation is pivotal amid global transformation. Nations explore self-development, maximize interests, and navigate challenges. China, a crucial player, underpins the Belt and Road Initiative, advocating an open world economy and sustainable development. It signifies China’s commitment to fair international economic governance. This analysis explores China’s initiative and Mongolia’s
active role, offering theoretical insights for future research on their collaboration.


Economic Development; One Belt One Road; Regional Cooperation

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