Research and Practice on the Development of Senior Under_x005fgraduate Programs in Applied Chemistry in Regional Teacher Education Colleges and Universities

Donghua Hu, Zhongyao Du, Yang Sun

Article ID: 4144
Vol 7, Issue 1, 2024

VIEWS - 54 (Abstract) 40 (PDF)


With the development of higher education and socio-economic changes, the senior undergraduate program in applied chemistry
at regional teacher training colleges and universities is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. This paper provides an in-depth
discussion of the development status of the program in the current environment, such as the quality of education, teaching resources, and
student employment. At the same time, the paper also analyzes the external environmental changes, educational reform and cooperation with
industry, and puts forward a series of practical and innovative strategies.


Regional Teacher Education Colleges; Applied Chemistry; Senior Undergraduate; Developmental Research

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