The Application of “Celebrity Effect” in Youth Ideological and Political Education

Mingzhen Li

Article ID: 4026
Vol 6, Issue 6, 2023


In the era of networking, where traffic is king and entertainment is supreme, a group of so-called “celebrities” have been created to
control social topics. A group of people who control social topics, the so-called “celebrities”, have been born. The so-called “celebrities” are
slowly influencing the every move of the “network aboriginal” youth. General Secretary Xi Jinping once pointed out in the national ideolog_x005fical and political conference that ideological and political education should be transformed in their place according to the events, advanced
according to the times, and new according to the situation. In order to cope with this change, ideological and political educators should follow the principles of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s conference and carry out his concept of the conference, effectively utilize the “celebrity
effect”, and take the initiative in the context of the era of pan-entertainment. Fully grasp the “celebrity effect” for ideological and political
education, to better carry out the ideological and political education of young people, to improve the effectiveness of ideological and political


Celebrity Effect; Ideological and Political Education; Youth

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