Exploring the Effect of Receptive Music Therapy to Reduce Anxiety Symptoms for Nanjing College Students

Ruowen Qi, Qiang Zhang, Xinyue Feng, Rongrong Sun

Article ID: 4009
Vol 6, Issue 6, 2023


College students’ mental health attracted great attention from the public. Mental health can influence personal relationships, study,
works and other aspects. In order to help college students reduce the anxiety level, this pilot study was conducted at Nanjing Normal Uni_x005fversity Music Therapy Room, and adapted receptive music therapy methods to test how receptive music therapy influences students’ anxiety
symptoms. 12 college-aged participants were divided into 3 groups and experienced a 45 minutes receptive music therapy session.


Receptive Music Therapy; Music and Imagery; Anxiety; College Students

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/ijmss.v6i6.4009


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