Teaching Reform and Practice of Financial Management Course in Application-Oriented Universities in the Era of Big Data

Yuxuan Wang

Article ID: 3708
Vol 6, Issue 5, 2023

VIEWS - 69 (Abstract) 33 (PDF)


Under the background of the continuous development of science and technology, the era of big data has come in an all-round way, and big data technology has also been widely used in the education industry. The course of financial management in applied colleges and universities is a highly applied course, which focuses on the substance of the course. Teachers need to create a good learning environment for students with the help of information technology, and constantly cultivate students' professional skills and professionalism. In order to improve the quality of financial management courses in colleges and universities, this paper mainly analyzes the management courses in application-oriented colleges and universities, expounds the factors affecting the practical teaching quality of management courses in colleges and universities, and analyzes the teaching methods of management courses in application-oriented colleges and universities. Finally, it is concluded that only when teachers constantly improve their teaching level, can students' learning level be improved by combining theory with practice.


The Era of Big Data; Colleges and Universities; Financial Management Course

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/ijmss.v6i5.3708


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