Use Digital Technology to Explore the Influence and Suggestions of College Music Education in Basic Education

Jiaying Yang

Article ID: 3700
Vol 6, Issue 5, 2023

VIEWS - 69 (Abstract) 21 (PDF)


In recent years, science and technology have continued to develop and progress, and the level of teaching digitalization has improved. Music education occupies an important position in many universities, and it is necessary and feasible to use digital technology to explore its impact in basic education. The digitalization and technology of music education in colleges and universities have had a positive impact on basic education, such as balancing educational resources, updating education models, optimizing teaching platforms, and practicing student-oriented concepts. In order to maximize the role of digital technology, it can be innovated and applied from sight-singing ear training teaching, orchestration course teaching, and polyphonic course teaching.


Digital Technology; College Music Education; Basic Education; Effect; Suggestion

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