How to Stimulate Students' Interest in Learning in College Mathematics Teaching

Meihong Xiang

Article ID: 3688
Vol 6, Issue 5, 2023

VIEWS - 178 (Abstract) 78 (PDF)


In the process of teaching and learning at any stage, the important role of interest guidance cannot be ignored. Especially in college mathematics teaching, mathematical knowledge is very complex and abstract, and most students are unable to effectively understand and master it during the learning process. So it is even more important to fully stimulate students' interest in learning. This article analyzes the significance and current situation of stimulating students' learning interest in university mathematics teaching, and conducts effective strategy analysis. In order to effectively awaken students' desire for knowledge, guide students to change from passive learning to active learning, so that students can continue to grow and progress in this process.


College Mathematics Teaching; Learning Interest; Measure

Full Text:



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