Exploring the Teaching Strategies of Middle School Mathematics Classroom Under the Double Reduction Policy

Qing Zhang

Article ID: 3236
Vol 6, Issue 4, 2023

VIEWS - 435 (Abstract) 60 (PDF)


With the continuous development of education, the double reduction policy has gradually become the focus of educators. Especially for junior high school mathematics classrooms, there is an indelible connection between whether students can learn mathematics well and whether classroom teaching is effective, and the effectiveness of the classroom is often related to factors such as students' stress level. Therefore, as a qualified junior high school mathematics teacher, it is necessary to carefully do pre class work in daily teaching and research practice, design different forms of teaching and research plans under the double reduction policy, establish a unique learning atmosphere for students, and improve their core mathematical qualities. This article proposes corresponding solutions and strategies on how to carry out mathematics classroom teaching under the double reduction policy.


Under the Double Reduction Policy; Junior High School Mathematics; Classroom; Strategy and Research

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/ijmss.v6i4.3236


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