The Application of PBL Teaching Method in Cross-Border E-Commerce English Teaching

Qian Zhang, Xia Wang

Article ID: 3235
Vol 6, Issue 4, 2023


The PBL teaching method emphasizes using specific problems as a guide in practical application, guiding students to achieve better teaching implementation results in practice. The integration of cross-border e-commerce and English teaching is a practical English course content in the teaching of English majors. In the current stage of English course teaching, it is an important method that is innovative and targeted to improve students' English course learning effectiveness. In the specific application process, the application of PBL teaching method requires teachers to provide important support for improving the teaching effectiveness of cross-border e-commerce English courses under the PBL model by building educational and teaching training bases, actively providing sufficient practical education guidance platforms, and emphasizing the innovation and richness of teaching evaluation links.


PBL Teaching Method; Cross Border E-commerce English Teaching; Practice Base; Problem Guidance

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