Research on the Teaching Reform of the Course "Civil Engineering Construction Organization and Management" under the Background of New Engineering

Chenxu Qiao, Ying Yu, Xiuhui Ma, Yuehua Huang

Article ID: 3156
Vol 6, Issue 4, 2023

VIEWS - 733 (Abstract) 79 (PDF)


In the current context of new engineering, the teaching of the course "Civil Engineering Construction Organization and Management" should be targeted and focused. In terms of setting up the course content, schools need to engage in extensive communication and cooperation with enterprises and industry associations, and integrate more practical education elements into the teaching methods to ensure that students can achieve a unity of knowledge and action; In relevant course teaching, teachers should also introduce more ideological and political elements to improve students' ideological and moral literacy. This article analyzes and explores the teaching reform of the course "Civil Engineering Construction Organization and Management" in the context of the new engineering discipline.


New Engineering; Civil Engineering Construction Organization and Management; Reform in Education

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