Research on the Innovation Direction of English Teaching Reform in Higher Vocational Colleges under the Competency-Based Education

Xuan Li

Article ID: 2762
Vol 6, Issue 3, 2023

VIEWS - 660 (Abstract) 57 (PDF)


Competency-based education is one of the many important educational objectives in the cultivation of senior vocational talents. In the past education model, the importance of achievement is greater than ability. Teachers rely on the scores of test papers to classify students' grades. Competency-based education has changed this situation very well, paying special attention to students' ability training. This paper mainly studies how to better promote the reform and innovation of English teaching in higher vocational colleges and strengthen students' learning ability and vocational skills while ensuring students' ability development.


Competency-based education is one of the many important educational objectives in the cultivation of senior vocational talents. In the past education model, the importance of achievement is greater than ability. Teachers rely on the scores of test papers

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