The Application of Data Mining Technology in the Evaluation of Teaching Quality in Universities

Bin Cui

Article ID: 2670
Vol 6, Issue 3, 2023

VIEWS - 335 (Abstract) 46 (PDF)


Data mining technology is a product of the development of the new era. Unlike other similar technologies, data mining technology is mainly committed to solving various application problems, and the main means of solving problems are to use big data technology and machine learning algorithms. Simply put, data mining technology is like panning for gold in the sand, searching for useful information among massive amounts of information. Data mining technology is widely applied in various fields, such as scientific research and business, and also has its shadow in the education industry. Currently, major universities are applying data mining technology to teaching quality evaluation. This article first explains the impact of data mining technology on the education industry, and then specifically discusses the application of data mining technology in the evaluation of teaching quality in universities.


Data Mining Technology; Universities; Teaching Quality Evaluation

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