Teaching According to Aptitude Varies from Person to Person——A Research on the Design of Mathematical Hierarchical Homework in Senior Grades of Primary Schools

Lianhua Lu

Article ID: 2447
Vol 6, Issue 2, 2023

VIEWS - 1236 (Abstract) 359 (PDF)


Homework is an indispensable basic link in classroom teaching, an important link in the consolidation of knowledge after class, and an important way for students to understand knowledge, digest knowledge, and improve their problem-solving ability. In the practice of mathematics teaching in primary schools, attention should be paid to the effectiveness of homework assignments in different links before, during and after class, and the content of homework should take into account the reality of students at different levels. This paper expounds the strategy of hierarchical design of mathematics homework from the aspects of the hierarchical design and arrangement of mathematics homework in the upper grades of primary school, aiming to effectively improve the quality of mathematics classroom teaching in the upper grades of primary school.


Primary School Mathematics; Senior Grades; Hierarchical Homework

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/ijmss.v6i2.2447


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