Vol 1, No 1

Table of Contents

Open Access
Article ID: 249
by Shirong Wen, Baolei Wei, Huabei Tong
2018 , 1(1);    330 Views
Abstract In recent years, with the development of the economy, the automobile industry has also undergone ever-changing changes. At present, the design of the engine in addition to the car to achieve the dynamic, economic indicators but also need to meet their emissions and noise requirements, it is necessary for the engine into the exhaust system for in-depth study. The intake system mainly comprises two parts of the pipeline and the intake manifold before the intake manifold, in which the pipeline in front of the manifold acts to reduce the intake noise. How to design the components of the intake system reasonably and analyze its comprehensive performance is the most important topic in the project.   Firstly, this article introduces the principle of variable valve timing and variable intake manifold technology, establishes B15 engine model in GT-Power software and uses the test data to complete the calibration of the model so that the error is not more than 5% For subsequent simulation calculations. In order to design the silencer element of the intake system, the sensitivity of the parameters of the Helmholtz resonator, 1/4 wavelength tube and air filter is calculated and analyzed, and the infl uence of the parameter change on the muffler performance is summarized. The design flow and method of the intake muffler element are described in detail, and the concrete design scheme is put forward. The noise of the muffler element is optimized according to the problem that the noise of the individual order is higher than the target value. After the optimization of the intake system air intake noise improved significantly, the pressure loss is not higher than 2.5kPa, in line with the target value requirements, the optimization effect is good.   Secondly, in order to analyze the performance of the intake manifold, three methods are proposed: the zero-dimensional or one-dimensional model is used to simplify the processing, and the CFD software is used to calculate the steady-state or isolated transients and the coupling analysis using one-dimensional and three-dimensional software. By comparing the advantages and disadvantages of the three methods, it is found that the coupling of software can obtain real - time boundary condition in the calculation process and have high accuracy. This paper focuses on the key issues that need to be solved by coupling with GT-Power and STAR-CCM + software and completes the calculation of the model.   Finally, in order to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the intake muffler element better, the maximum noise of the intake system is calculated by using the model of the vehicle acceleration in the GT-Power software, and the maximum noise of the intake system is 61.8dB (A) which satisfies the target requirement for the individual contribution rate through noise.
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Open Access
Article ID: 264
by Shoucheng Zhao, Kun Zhang, Yibo Lu
2018 , 1(1);    237 Views
Abstract With the rapid progress of computer, microelectronics and information technology, the development of intelligent technology is getting faster and faster, higher and higher, and the application scope has been greatly expanded. Intelligent as a modern new invention, is the future direction of development, it can be in accordance with the pre-set mode in an environment in the automatic operation, does not need man-made management, can be applied to scientific exploration and other purposes. Intelligent electric car is one of the embodiment. Designers can program their software to achieve their travel, tracking, stop the precise control and detection of data storage, display, without human intervention. Therefore, the intelligent electric car with reprogramming characteristics, is a kind of robot.   The design uses AT89C51 single-chip motor drive circuit and infrared remote control and tracking module and infrared receiver integrated sensor designed, the use of modular design, the use of infrared remote control car forward, back, turn left, turn right, Start and stop.
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Open Access
Article ID: 269
by Xudong Ding, Hongyan Jiang, Weihua Zhou
2018 , 1(1);    197 Views
Abstract With the development of electronic technology, medical equipment is also undergoing some changes, and the traditional manual monitoring mode is clearly more and more unsatisfied with today’s monitoring needs. At present, china's medical institutions in the infusion treatment, the infusion rate control or the use of conventional clinical infusion, general use of hanging bottle infusion, and direct observation with the eyes, relying on manual clip to control the infusion rate, this mode of operation cannot be precisely controlled Infusion speed, and the workload. Therefore, the need for both cheap and practical medical infusion detection monitoring device to meet today's medical needs. The system is designed with the single chip AT89C51 as the core, the keyboard and photoelectric sensor as the input system to digital tube and motor as the output system of intelligent infusion control and monitoring system. The keyboard system is a stand-alone key system, the function of the photoelectric sensor for the liquid droplet speed and infusion bottle page height of the reliable detection. When the liquid level is below the alert value, the system issues an alarm and can manually remove the alarm. The motor has a large controllable power and the input pulse can be maintained when the same torque and other advantages, so that you can control the bottle by the upper and lower slowly to achieve the purpose of intelligent control of liquid drip speed.
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Open Access
Article ID: 280
by Kun Liu, Xiping Song, Xiangyu Li
2018 , 1(1);    171 Views
Abstract The mechanical transmission of automobile is very efficient, reliable and simple structure, but it is easy to wear the parts prematurely because of its dynamic load. In the case of complex external conditions, the frequent operation of the clutch, shift lever and throttle, increasing the burden on the driver is not conducive to safe driving. In recent decades, automatic transmission has been an unprecedented development; electronic control automatic transmission has become the development direction of modern car transmission. But the electronic control automatic transmission structure complex production cost is high, its repair and troubleshooting put forward the harsh requirements of the maintenance personnel maintenance technology and understanding of the degree also constitutes a certain degree of difficulty, this article for the modern car electronic control automatic transmission development History and composition and function of the failure of the file is not up to speed to make a major study, discusses the modern car electronic control automatic transmission of the main components and functions and upshift is not speed. The cause and diagnosis of the exclusion of the automatic control of automotive electronic control and maintenance of great significance.
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Open Access
Article ID: 394
by Shengmin Zhang, Qiulian Li, Changying He
2018 , 1(1);    205 Views
Abstract In the traditional round-trip sports training and competition, the coach or the referee observe the pinch table to measure the athlete's performance, not only there is a large error, it will even miscarriage of justice, and the staff labor intensity and low efficiency. In order to solve these difficulties, the system uses the simple and easy way by using fingerprint identification module to collect athlete information, with low cost, wide application, easy to program the STM32F103C8T6 and ATMEL89S51 as the core control measure a wide range of detection time is short, high precision of the laser scanning athletes through the information to low power consumption, convenient and practical nRF905 RF transceiver starting point and the return point of the communication to the LED display circuit count and display, to automatically and accurately complete the athlete's performance test. This will reduce the workload of the coach or the referee, but also improve the efficiency and quality of work.
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Open Access
Article ID: 160
by Wameath Shawqi Abdul-Majeed
2018 , 1(1);    252 Views
Abstract A great interest of using curved pipes was shown in the industrial applications due to many advantages such as developed agitation which can be obtained as an alternative to the conventional agitation at lower energy consumption and reduced cost. A computational investigations were conducted in this study to contemplate on the enhancement occur in the mixing flow upon using single and multi loops helical coil compared with a straight tube. The objective was to optimize the number of loops in the helical coil. The computations were achieved via “Fluent software” in which 3d, second order upwind were used for all cases studied.  The study consisted of four parts in which the numerical error study was conducted in the first part to optimize the grid meshing and to make sure that the results are independent of it. The effect of using the helical coil on the pressure drop was conducted in the second part. The third and fourth parts of the study were devoted to envisage the enhancement of applying the curved loops in the  coil on the heat and mass transfer, respectively. The main findings of the study were limited effect of single loop coil on the heat and mass transfer processes. Better effect was depicted upon increasing the number of loops in the helical coil into 2. However, applying 2 loops has resulted in building up higher pressure drops. Moreover, the pressure drop was shown slightly higher in the case of applying water when compared with air. 
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Open Access
Article ID: 171
by Ramasamy Kandasamy, Nur Atikah bt Adnan, Mohd Kamarulzaki, Mohd Saifullah
2018 , 1(1);    180 Views
Abstract Energy is an extensive view for industrial advancement. Solar thermal energy is designed by light and heat which is radiated by the sun, in the form of electromagnetic radiation. Solar energy is the highest promptly and sufficiently applicable authority of green energy. Impact of nanoparticle shapes on the Hiemenz nanofluid (water based Cu, Al 2 O 3 and SWCNTs) flow over a porous wedge surface in view of solar radiation energy has been analyzed. The three classical form of nanoparticle shapes are registered into report, i.e. sphere, cylinder  and laminar. Nanoparticles in the water based Cu, Al 2 O 3 and SWCNTs have been advanced as a means to boost solar collector energy through explicit absorption of the entering solar energy. The controlling partial differential equations (PDEs) are remodeled into ordinary differential equations (ODEs) by applying dependable accordance alteration and it is determined numerically by executing Runge Kutta Fehlberg method with shooting technique. It is anticipated that the lamina shape SWCNTs have dynamic heat transfer attainments in the flow improvement over a porous wedge surface as compared with the other nanoparticle shapes in different nanofluid flow regime.  
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Open Access
Article ID: 767
by Mohsen Kazemian
2018 , 1(1);    95 Views
Abstract Three of the most important techniques of Peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems are Partial Transmit Sequence PAPR (PTS-PAPR), Selected Mapping PAPR (SLM-PAPR) and Cross-Correlation- PTS. This paper investigates a complete analysis on these three techniques providing simulation and discussion of their performance on PAPR reduction and bit error rate (BER). Moreover the comparison of these methods by using Saleh model amplifier in an OFDM system is provided. The results show that PTS-PAPR outperforms the Cross-Correlation-PTS in terms of PAPR performance while Cross-Correlation- PTS method is more efficient in BER reduction compared to PTS-PAPR and SLM-PAPR .  
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Open Access
Article ID: 812
by Jacob Nagler
2018 , 1(1);    206 Views
Abstract In this paper, aerodynamics coefficients of Boeing 737 - 300 are calculated using VLM (vortex lattice method) theory. The wing was divided into panels of the size: 6X6. The wing was assumed to be planar and the panels are in the trapezoid shape. Aerodynamics lifting and moment coefficients were calculated. Also, center of pressure location was found using data from VLM and wing geometry. Comparisons between literature, finite wing theory and VLM theory were done. It was found that maximum lifting coefficient error between literature and VLM is about 4.0%. Moreover, the maximum lifting coefficient error between finite wing theory and VLM is about 2.2%. Center of pressure location error between finite wing theory and VLM is about 0.5%.
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