Intelligent Backlash Control System Based on Laser Scanning

Shengmin Zhang, Qiulian Li, Changying He

Article ID: 394
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2018

VIEWS - 205 (Abstract) 232 (PDF)


In the traditional round-trip sports training and competition, the coach or the referee observe the pinch table to measure the athlete's performance, not only there is a large error, it will even miscarriage of justice, and the staff labor intensity and low efficiency. In order to solve these difficulties, the system uses the simple and easy way by using fingerprint identification module to collect athlete information, with low cost, wide application, easy to program the STM32F103C8T6 and ATMEL89S51 as the core control measure a wide range of detection time is short, high precision of the laser scanning athletes through the information to low power consumption, convenient and practical nRF905 RF transceiver starting point and the return point of the communication to the LED display circuit count and display, to automatically and accurately complete the athlete's performance test. This will reduce the workload of the coach or the referee, but also improve the efficiency and quality of work.

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