Effect of multiple laser shock processing on nano-scale microstructure of an aluminum alloy

Simge Gencalp Irizalp, Nursen Saklakoglu

Article ID: 716
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2020


In this study, nano-scale microstructural evolution in 6061-T6 alloy after laser shock processing (LSP) was studied. 6061-T6 alloy plate was subjected to multiple LSP. The LSP treated area was characterized by X-ray diffraction and the microstructure of the samples was analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. Focused Ion Beam (FIB) tools were used to prepare TEM samples in precise areas. It was found that even though aluminum had high stacking fault energy, LSP yielded to formation of ultrafine grains and deformation faults such as dislocation cells, stacking faults. The stacking fault probability (PSF) was obtained in LSP-treated alloy using X-Ray diffraction. Deformation induced stacking faults lead to the peak position shifts, broadening and asymmetry of diffraction. XRD analysis and TEM observations revealed significant densities of stacking faults in LSP-treated 6061-T6 alloy. And mechanical properties of LSP-treated alloy were also determined to understand the hardening behavior with high concentration of structural defects.


Laser Shock Processing; Microstructure; Deformation; Stacking Fault

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/can.v3i1.716


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