Nanodemulsifiers with the properties of crystalline liquids, intramolecular interblock activity and eternal intramolecular nanomotors
Vol 6, Issue 2, 2023
The provided material presents a priority article on the scientific discovery titled “The phenomenon of simultaneous destruction of water-oil and oil-water emulsions”. The authors propose the corresponding formula: the previously unknown phenomenon of simultaneous destruction of water-oil and oil-water emulsions occurs when polynanostructured surfactant demulsifiers with characteristics akin to crystalline liquids, intramolecular interblock activity, and enduring intramolecular nanomotors (such as block copolymers of ethylene and propylene oxides, which act as sources of oligomer homologues of oxyethylene ethers) are added to crude oil during primary oil processing. This phenomenon is attributed to the redistribution of oligomer homologues, with the most hydrophobic oxyethylene ethers being dispersed in water-oil emulsions and the most hydrophilic ones in oil-water emulsions, resulting in robust nanodispersed phases with crystalline liquid properties.
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