Research progress on the electrospinning nanofiber lithium-ion battery separators

Yan Zhang, Bin Yu, Mengzhen Zhai, Xiaohan Wang

Article ID: 1429
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022


Electrospinning nanofiber membrane has the advantages of wide raw materials, large specific surface area, and high porosity. It is an ideal separator material for lithium-ion batteries. This paper first introduces two common electrospinning nanofiber diaphragms: polymer, polymer, and inorganic composite, and then focuses on the modification methods of composite modification, blending modification, and inorganic modification, as well as the methods of electrospinning nano modified polyolefin diaphragm. Finally, the development direction of the electrospinning lithium-ion battery separator has prospected.


Electrospinning Nanofibers; Lithium-ion Battery; Modification; Polyolefin; Separator

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