Characterization and Application of Nanomaterials

Recent Advances in Applications of Nanomaterials in Radiation Protection

Submission deadline: 2023-02-28
Special Issue Editors

Special Issue Information

Dear Colleagues,

The scope and purpose of this special issue named “Recent Advances in Applications of Nanomaterials in Radiation Protection” include the main topics below:

· Radiation dosimetry (precise and practical determination of dose units taken from internal and external radiation sources);

· Biological effects of radiation, dose-response characteristics, basic biology for internal dosimetry, effects of radiation on human health at high dose units;

· Application of Nanomaterials for precision measurements in health physics, in controlled areas and applications in supervised areas;

· Theory and practice applications of microdosimetry for radiation protection;

· Advances in nanomaterials used to provide radiation protection criteria and dose limits;

· For radiation shielding, nanomaterials with dynamic properties (change of shape and physical form, transition from liquid to solid or from solid to liquid) used in smart shielding systems to protect from external radiation sources ( and critical shielding calculations);

· Protection from internal radiation sources by using nanomaterials in maximum allowable dose applications;

· Nanomaterials in the determination of damage from internal radiation sources (contamination control of radiation sources for radiation workers and the environment);

· Nanomaterials (for radioactive residue management, damage inspection and optimization) to ensure precise surface contamination limits;

· Nanomaterials in making protective measurements ( for medical controls and approximate calculation of radioactivity accumulated in the body);

· Effective nanomaterials in radiotherapy and cancer treatment;

· Anti Radiation vaccines including fundamental approaches such as antigen-specific immune therapy;

· For next-generation vaccines, the development of antigen-specific immune vaccines to treat Acute Radiation Syndromes in mammals;

· The anti-radiation vaccine in reducing the biological impact of high doses and dose rates;

· The development of an anti-radiation vaccine for reducing acute radiation syndromes.

Planned Papers


polymer nanocomposites; thin films; optoelectronics; self healing materials; radiation dosimetry; radiation protection; nuclear fuel cycle analysis and management

Published Paper