
Section Collection Information
Dear Colleagues,
Biomaterials are materials designed and developed to interact with the biological systems. Since its inception just over a half century ago, the field of biomaterials has seen a consistent growth with a steady introduction of new ideas and productive branches. The biomaterials are eco-friendly. The sustainability and biomaterials are co-complementary to each other and support the manufacturing/development of new sustainable materials with the induction of the advanced technological processes.
Biomaterials are either extracted from different biological resources or manufactured by using the green technology. Till date a number of biomaterials are designed and developed which have successfully applied in different biomedical fields as a potential alternative to the traditional materials.
According to the European Society for Biomaterials Consensus Conference-II, biomaterial is defined as the material anticipated interfacing in our biological systems in order to estimate the augment, treat or replacement of any tissue, organ or the functioning of the body. Biomaterials are defined by their function. As they interact with, and replace the function of certain host tissues, they must possess the right mechanical, chemical, and biological properties—optimized for their purpose and biological surroundings.
Biomaterials are bioactive materials the following features:
· easily compactable to the human tissue,
· they show good degree of biodegradability.
They are commonly used in medicines, tissue engineering, manufacturing of human body parts and other manufacturing applications. They are successfully used in the medical treatment:
· cancer therapy,
· repairing of ligaments and tendons,
· orthopedic applications,
· ophthalmic applications for designing contact lenses,
· wound healing,
· reproduction therapy of nerve generation,
· breast implants and ,
· manufacturing of different surgical devices.
Biomaterials are classified according to their material properties such as:
· polymeric materials,
· biomaterials,
· biopolymers,
· ceramic materials,
· some active metals and their composites etc.
Although biomaterials are used primarily for medical applications, they are also used:
· to grow cells in culture,
· in apparatus for handling proteins in the laboratory,
· in a cell–silicon biochip that would be integrated into computers.
Biomaterial is a nonviable material used in a medical device, which interacts with biological systems. A complementary definition essential for understanding the goal of biomaterials science is that of biocompatibility. Biocompatibility is the ability of a material to perform with an appropriate host response in a specific application.
So, research articles, reviews and studies in this area of study are welcome. We look forward to receiving your contributions.
Dr. Dusica P. Ilic
Section editor