An analysis of birth defects of different nationalities in Guangxi

Jichang Chen, Xuemei Huang, Yu Zhang, Zheng Nong, Jinjian Fu

Article ID: 119
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2021


This study aims to provide a theoretical basis for the development of maternal and child health interventions newborns born in 2016 in Liuzhou of south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The condition and the different national basic data of birth defects were analyzed. A total of 49873 cases of different ethnical newborns in 2016 in Liuzhou were analyzed. The total of hospital newborn babies were 49873 in 2016, and the birth rate was 41.2% (20562/49873) in the Han nationality, 37.4% (18651/49873) in the Zhuang nationality, 8.1% (4025/49873) in the Miao nationality, 8.1% (4034/49873) in Dong nationality, and 5.2% (2601/49873) in other minority nationalities. The rate of preterm birth was 7.7% (3842/49873) and the rate of birth defect was 1.48% (736/49873). The hearing screening rate was 93%. The early screening positive population for G6PD deficiency was 758 for G6PD deficiency in Liuzhou and the early screening positive rate for G6PD deficiency was 1.52% (758/49873). A total of 818 cases were detected with thyroid hypofunction with positive rate of 1.64% (818/49873) in Liuzhou. The phenylketonuria (PKU) screening positive assessment confirmed for the screening rate of 0.25% (125/49873). In conclusion, the propagation of relative knowledge about the pregnant period health should be enhanced. The nutrition guidance should be provided to pregnant women in order to promote fetal development and reduce the incidence of premature birth, low birth weight infants and birth defects.


newborn; ethnic; birth defect

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