Determinants of voluntary IFRS application: Evidence from listed firms in Vietnam

Giau Nguyen Ngoc

Article ID: 9998
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


Manuscript type: Research paper. Research aims: This study aims to explore the determinants of voluntary IFRS application in listed firms in Vietnam. Design/methodology/approach: Analyzing data from 552 public companies listed on the Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange and Ha Noi Stock Exchange during 2019–2022, this study employs a logistic model with robust analysis. Research findings: The findings indicate that voluntary IFRS application is positively associated with firm size, leverage, internationalization, corporate efficiency, state ownership, and foreign ownership. Particularly, internationalization has the most significant impact on voluntary IFRS application. Theoretical contribution/originality: These findings of this study align with positive accounting theory, which proposes how factors affect voluntary IFRS application. Practitioner/policy implications: Policymakers should consider these findings when developing or revising policies concerning voluntary IFRS application, particularly for state-owned and foreign-owned companies. Research limitation: This study spans from 2019 to 2022, during which economic and regulatory conditions may have fluctuated, potentially impacting the results. Moreover, the data on voluntary IFRS adoption were collected through surveys, which may be subject to respondent bias and dependent on participants’ understanding and willingness to provide accurate information.


internationalization; foreign ownership; state ownership; voluntary IFRS application; Vietnam

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