The top scientist in each research sub-field in the top 2% most influential scientists (career impact) (1960–2023)

Yuh-Shan Ho

Article ID: 9920
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024


Researchers at Stanford University in the USA identified the world's Top 2% of Scientists based on data from the Scopus database. This study recognized leading scientists across various sub-fields, ranking them by the sm-subfield-1 (ns) indicator. A total of 174 distinguished scientists from 25 countries were highlighted, with a notable concentration from the USA. Harvard University was a leader, producing top scientists in 16 sub-fields. Among the 174 recognized, four are Nobel Prize Laureates, and two have received the Fields Medal. Ten scientists authored the most frequently cited papers across categories in the Web of Science, including the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXPANDED), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI). Professor Georg Kresse authored the most cited paper in three Web of Science categories: multidisciplinary materials science, applied physics, and condensed matter physics. The study further analyzed GDP and population metrics for each top scientist by sub-field. Seventy of the 174 scientists have consistently maintained their top rankings over the past five years.


Scopus; web of science core collection; SCI-EXPANDED; SSCI; A&HCI; citations; top scientists

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