Village fund and Indonesia rural development: Rethinking institutional capacity and governance

Latif Adam, Maxensius Tri Sambodo, Purwanto Purwanto, Raden Muhamad Purnagunawan, Jiwa Sarana, Tuti Ermawati, Yeni Saptia, Muhammad Soekarni, Septian Adityawati, Mahmud Thoha, Joko Suryanto

Article ID: 9875
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This study offers a new perspective on measuring the impact of village funds (DD) on rural development. Using a mixed-method approach, the qualitative analysis reveals that, like previous rural development programs, the DD program struggles to implement inclusive methods for capturing community aspirations and evaluating outcomes. Despite rural infrastructure improvement, many villagers feel they have not fully benefited and do not view it as offering economic opportunities. The econometric model confirms the qualitative findings, indicating no significant DD influence on the village development index (IPD). Instead, effective governance factors like Musdes, regulations, and leadership are essential for the IPD improvement. Thus, enhancing village governments’ institutional capacity is crucial for increasing the DD effectiveness. The paper recommends several measures: training village officials in financial management and project planning, providing guidelines for the DD allocation and usage, creating robust monitoring-evaluation systems, developing communication strategies, and fostering partnerships with local NGOs and universities.


Indonesia; village fund; community development; rural infrastructure; governance

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