Assessing the impact of Niger Delta Development Commission interventions on road construction and economic activities in Cross River and Akwa Ibom States, Nigeria

Bassey Ekpenyong Anam, Fidelis Abunimye Unimna, Virginia Emmanuel Ironbar, Esther Esien-Cobham Uzoh, Nsagha Nkang Osaji, Onyinye Ogomegbunam Mgbemena, Sunday Virtus Agu, Odim Otu Offem, Veronica Effiom Nakanda, Sylvester Akongi Unimke, Frederick Awhen Opoh, Kuroakegha Bio Basuo, Ebuka Paul Nwokolo, Victor Ndum Etim, Chinyere Helen Dede, Glory Bassey Eteng, Effiom Eyo Ekpo

Article ID: 9794
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


Road construction and maintenance are key interventions that support economic potential in the country. However, the deplorable state of some roads in Nigeria, and in Cross River and Akwa Ibom states draws research concerns. This paper seeks to examine the impact of the Niger Delta Development Commission Intervention on road construction and economic activities in Cross River and Akwa Ibom States, Nigeria. Using the Sustainable Development Framework, a survey research design was employed, gathering data from 400 respondents across both states. The chi-square statistical technique was used to test the hypothesis that the Niger Delta Development Commission Intervention has no significant impact on road construction in Akwa Ibom and Cross River States. The result of the data analysis showed the calculated value X2 = 1592 > 16.92. By this result, the null hypothesis was rejected (16.92) at 0.05 level of significance and 9 Degrees of Freedom, and the alternate was accepted. The study concludes that NDDC road projects have positively influenced economic activities and livelihoods in the states. However, it highlights the need for further improvements, particularly on the Calabar-Itu federal highway.


road construction; poverty; commuters; sustainable development goal

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