The potential role of self-regulated learning as mediator in academic learning: A systematic literature review (2015–2024)
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024
VIEWS - 161 (Abstract)
The potential role of self-regulated learning as mediator has been deeply investigated by researchers in recent years. There is limited systematic literature review being done to investigate the role of self-regulated learning as mediator in the students’ academic learning. Therefore, searching studies in the databases WOS (Web of Science), SCOPUS, APA (American Psychological Association) PsycInfo, and ERIC (Education Resources Information Center), the present study conducted a systematic literature review on 32 studies published between 2015 and 2024 to summarize what kind of psychological factors influence students’ academic performance through self-regulated learning and assess the potential mediating role of self-regulated learning in this process. The results show that self-efficacy, emotions and motivation are significant predictors of academic achievement and self-regulated learning act as an important mediator in this relationship. An important implication was obtained that researchers can probe into the influence of specific dimensions of self-efficacy on learning performance through self-regulated learning and the influence of positive emotions such as resilience on learning outcomes with self-regulated learning as mediator.
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