Flexibility and adaptability: Dynamic capabilities for building supply chain resilience
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
This study investigates the escalating complexity and unpredictability of global supply chains, with a particular emphasis on resilience in the agricultural sector of Antioquia, Colombia. The aim of the study is to identify and analyze the dynamic capabilities, specifically flexibility and adaptability that significantly enhance resilience within agri-food supply chains. Given the sector’s vulnerability to external disruptions, such as climate change and economic volatility, a thorough understanding of these capabilities is imperative for the formulation of effective risk management strategies. This research is essential to provide empirical insights that can inform stakeholders on fortifying their supply chains, thereby contributing to enhanced competitiveness and sustainability. By presenting a comprehensive framework for evaluating dynamic capabilities, this study not only addresses existing gaps in the literature but also offers practical recommendations aimed at bolstering resilience in the agricultural sector.
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