Authentic leadership, psychological capital and work engagement among educators in Makhado Municipality
Vol 9, Issue 2, 2025
The study explores the relationship between authentic leadership, psychological capital, and work engagement among educators in the Makhado Municipality. The primary aim was to assess how authentic leadership influences educators’ psychological capital and examine how psychological capital impacts work engagement. A quantitative research design was employed, utilizing a survey-based approach to collect data from a sample of educators across 15 primary schools within the Makhado Municipality. Structural Equation Modeling was used to analyze the data and test the relationships between authentic leadership, psychological capital, and work engagement. Results indicate that authentic leadership has a significant positive influence on the psychological capital of educators. In turn, psychological Capital was found to have a strong positive impact on work engagement, suggesting that educators who perceive their leaders as authentic are more likely to experience higher levels of psychological well-being and engagement in their work. This study contributes to the literature on leadership and educator well-being by demonstrating the value of authentic leadership in promoting a supportive work environment that enhances educators’ psychological capital and engagement. The educational management and policy implications emphasize the need for leadership development programs that foster authentic leadership behaviors to improve educator performance and overall school effectiveness.
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