Trickle-down effects of person-organization fit and person-job fit on social media operators towards generative AI services

Chandra Lukita, Untung Rahardja, Shih-Chih Chen

Article ID: 9651
Vol 9, Issue 1, 2025


This study investigates the impact of generative AI on social media marketers’ job attitudes and performance, examining the roles of person-organization fit (PO-fit) and person-job fit (PJ-fit). As generative AI transforms marketing practices, understanding its effects on employees is crucial. A survey of 340 social media marketers using generative AI tools was conducted. Structural equation modeling revealed that both PO-fit and PJ-fit positively influence job involvement, with PJ-fit showing a stronger effect. Job involvement, in turn, significantly enhances job satisfaction, which positively impacts job performance. These findings suggest that aligning employees’ values and skills with organizational AI strategies and job requirements is critical in fostering positive work outcomes in AI-driven marketing environments. The study contributes to the literature on AI’s impact on human resource management and provides practical insights for organizations implementing AI technologies. This research highlights the importance of ensuring compatibility between employees and AI-enhanced work environments, as well as the need for continuous skill development and organizational culture adaptation. Future research could explore the long-term effects of AI integration on employee attitudes and investigate potential moderating factors in these relationships.


person-organization fit; person-job fit; job involvement; job satisfaction; job performance; generative artificial intelligence

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