Emerging trends and key themes in public financial management: A bibliometric analysis from 1977 to 2024

Umawadee Detthamrong, Wirapong Chansanam, Chunqiu Li, Vispat Chaichuay, Sirisak Laochankham

Article ID: 9648
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024


This study presents a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of the literature on public financial management (PFM), aiming to identify key trends, influential publications, and emerging themes. Using data from Web of Science and Scopus, the study examines the evolution of PFM research from 1977 to 2024. The findings reveal a significant increase in PFM research output, particularly after 2010, with countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, and China contributing the most publications. Central themes such as financial management, transparency, and accountability remain prominent while emerging topics like gender budgeting, health insurance, and blockchain technology reflect shifting priorities in the field. The study employed performance analysis and science mapping techniques to assess the structure and dynamics of PFM research. The analysis highlights key focus areas, including fiscal decentralization and sector-specific management, and identifies gaps in the existing literature, particularly regarding interdisciplinary and international collaboration. The results suggest that while PFM remains rooted in traditional governance and financial control, there is a growing emphasis on modern, innovative solutions to address contemporary challenges. This study’s insights provide a roadmap for future research, emphasizing the importance of transparency, technological integration, and inclusive financial policies. In conclusion, this bibliometric analysis contributes to understanding PFM’s evolving landscape, offering scholars and policymakers a clearer perspective on current trends and future directions in the field. Future research should focus on expanding interdisciplinary approaches and exploring the practical impacts of emerging PFM trends across different regions.


public financial management; bibliometric analysis; transparency; gender budgeting; blockchain technology; fiscal decentralization

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9648


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