Compliance and sustainability in family businesses: A theoretical approach

Ana Filipa Roque

Article ID: 9635
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024



Many studies have called for more research and increased knowledge about Family Businesses (FB), notably their sustainability. This work aims to reduce this limitation through a narrative literature review and thus contribute to knowledge about FB’s compliance and sustainability design. The results suggest that interest in sustainability practices is growing but still low, and implementation is challenging. This work presents scientific contributions, notably to the Theories of Vision Based on Resources, Dynamic Capabilities, and Stewardship. At the same time, it contributes to the operationalization of FB, as they can design their sustainability practices and compliance strategies similar to those of others. The value of this work culminates in the original proposal of a framework identifying the leading information representative of the main challenges for the sustainability of FB.


family business; sustainability; compliance

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