The importance of exhibitions and organised events of museums and galleries in tourism
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
The objective of this article is to examine the provision of temporary exhibitions and events by Slovak museums and galleries, and to highlight their significance in the context of selected performances of these cultural attractions in the tourism sector. The article employs a secondary data analysis of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic and annual reports from 105 museums and 10 galleries in 2017, as well as 99 museums and 15 galleries in 2022. Correlation and regression analyses were employed to assess the dependence of variables. The results of the analysis confirm a direct, moderate dependence between the number of temporary exhibitions and events and the total number of visitors in museums and galleries. Additionally, the examination demonstrated that the exhibited activity has not had a positive effect on the revenues of museums and galleries. However, with an increasing number of events, their revenues from their own activities grew. The average revenues from one event were found to be higher in museums than in galleries.
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