A study on the structural factors of primary school English teachers’ competence under the new Chinese curriculum standards

Qian Sun, Ahmad Johari Bin Sihes

Article ID: 9613
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This study focuses on the competency structure factors of elementary school English teachers under China’s new curriculum standards, aiming to reveal the core competencies that teachers should possess in the context of education in the new era. Through the comprehensive application of qualitative interviews and quantitative questionnaire survey methods, this study provides an in-depth analysis of the competency structure of primary English teachers. It was found that the competency structure of elementary school English teachers is mainly composed of six dimensions: professionalism, personality traits, teaching ability, student views, teaching organization strategy and research ability. These dimensions work together to influence teachers’ teaching effectiveness and students’ learning effectiveness. The study also found that there were significant differences in the competency characteristics of elementary school English teachers across gender, teaching experience and educational qualifications. In general, this study provides a theoretical basis and practical guidance for the professional development of elementary school English teachers, which can help to improve the quality of teachers’ teaching and promote the comprehensive development of students.


competence; competency structure; educational reform; primary school English teachers; new curriculum standards; teachers’ competence

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9613


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