Motivations of generations: The importance of leadership and communication styles at the workplace
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024
Generational differences shape technological preferences and fundamentally influence workplace motivation and interactions. Our research aims to examine in detail how different generations assess the importance of workplace communication and leadership styles and how these diverse preferences impact workplace motivation and commitment. In our analysis, we studied the behavioral patterns of four generations—Baby Boomers, Generations X, Y, and Z—through anonymous online questionnaires supplemented by in-depth interviews conducted with a leader and a Generation Z employee. To verify our hypotheses, we employed statistical methods, including the Chi-Square test, Spearman’s rank correlation, and cross-tabulation analysis. Our results clearly demonstrated that different generations evaluate the importance of applied leadership and communication styles differently. While Generations Y and Z highly value flexible, supportive leadership styles, older generations, such as the Baby Boomers prefer more traditional, structured approaches. The study confirmed that aligning leadership and communication styles is crucial, as it significantly impacts the workplace atmosphere and employee performance. Our research findings hold both theoretical and practical significance. This research highlights how understanding generational preferences in leadership and communication styles can enhance workplace cohesion and efficiency. The results provide specific guidance for leaders and HR professionals to create a supportive and adaptable environment that effectively meets the needs of diverse generations.
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