Redefining the boundaries: The psychological contract in fluid work arrangements in the digital era

Ahmed M. Asfahani, Ameen S. Alharbi

Article ID: 9570
Vol 8, Issue 13, 2024


This study investigates the changing nature of the psychological contract in the digital era, particularly how fluid work arrangements alter traditional employment dynamics. Utilizing a conceptual approach informed by a narrative review, this study examines the historical development of the psychological contract through foundational studies, while also integrating recent research that highlights the transformative influence of digital platforms in fluid work environments. The key contribution of this study is the innovative model it proposes, which captures the complexities of the psychological contract in modern digital and fluid work settings. This model provides a comprehensive theoretical framework to understand evolving employer-employee relationships and practical insights for organizations navigating these changes. It represents a significant advancement in both theory and practical application, connecting traditional employment principles with the dynamism of digital-era work.


psychological contract; digital platforms; fluid work; gig economy; organizational behavior

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