A phenomenology inquiry into the challenges of empowering women in Malaysia corporate sector

Sharmila Devi, Rajermani Thinakaran, Shamsiah Banu Mohamad Hanefar, Nazruzila Razniza Mohd Nadzri

Article ID: 9518
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024


The purpose of the study is to explore the challenges of empowering women in Malaysia’s corporate sector. The study utilized a qualitative method that is guided by phenomenological inquiry to understand the challenges of empowering women in corporate sectors. The finding established five main challenges of empowering women in the corporate sector which consist of: challenges to balance work and family obligations, lack of role models and representation in leadership roles, inadequate policies, enforcement and support for gender equality, limited access to education and training and fear of speaking up and judgment. The study depends mainly on women leaders as a primary source of data. The experiences being shared may be different from each other based on their role and positions. The study will be appropriate for corporate sectors and human resource management to develop policies and procedures that are needed to empower women within organizations and corporate sectors.


women’s empowerment; gender equality; phenomenology inquiry; empowerment strategies; human resource management

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