Policy effectiveness in empowering traditional shipping in Indonesia: Government grant vessel program

Winarno Winarno, Antoni Arif Priadi, Tri Cahyadi

Article ID: 9505
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024


Traditional shipping plays a crucial role in the national sea transportation system, serving inland areas, remote areas, and outer islands that are widely distributed throughout the country. However, there is still limited research on the problems of traditional shipping empowerment and its implementation. This research aims not only to analyze the obstacles encountered in empowering traditional shipping but also the implementation of the traditional shipping grant program. This study employed a quantitative descriptive approach, utilizing a likert scale, to analyze the issues that arise in the empowerment of traditional shipping. Additionally, for policy implementation analysis, the Hellmut-Wollmann policy analysis was used. The findings indicate that the most significant issues arise in the area of human resource development, such as a lack of competent teaching staff, insufficient short courses, complicated testing procedures, and the lack of crew certification. In the ex-ante stage, the variable of empowering traditional shipping transportation programs experienced the highest implementation rate. During the ongoing stage, the variable empowering traditional shipping services achieved the highest implementation score. And in the ex-post stage, traditional shipping services had the highest implementation score. This paper emphasizes the significance of collaboration and coordination among all levels of government, from the central to the local, in order to effectively implement the traditional shipping empowerment program. These findings also highlight the necessity of extending the traditional shipping grant program while making improvements in areas such as ship safety management regulations, the management and supply of traditional shipping terminals, the division of transportation types, and route determination policies.


traditional shipping; maritime transportation; inland waterway; maritime policy

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9505


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