SitFit: A core fitness tracker for improved sit-up accuracy and injury prevention

Nuttaporn Suddee, Noawanit Songkram

Article ID: 9490
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This study investigated the students’ perceptions of a self-paced fitness program that is integrated with SitFit, a fitness tracker that measures body inclination during sit-up exercises, and their acceptance of digital innovation in physical education. The data was gathered from a survey of 1001 Thai undergraduates. Results revealed that attitudes toward using the technology and the perceived ease of use were important predictors of behavioral intention to use the sit-up fitness tracker. consistent with previous TAM studies. Subsequently, SitFit was developed based on exercise principles and expert advice to enable users to exercise more effectively while reducing injury risk.


sit-up fitness tracker; fitness tracker wearable device; technology acceptance model (TAM); fitness training program; abdominal muscle strength; digital innovation; Structural equation modeling (SEM)

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