Impact of international entrepreneurial orientation on internationalisation outcome: A mediating role of culture
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024
In Emerging economies, MNCs (Multinational corporations) encounter several issues while devising Strategies to penetrate foreign markets, examining these SMEs’ performance in present times and assessing their internationalisation process is crucial. The purpose of this research is to investigate how international entrepreneurial orientation affects SMEs’ international performance during internationalization, as well as how organizational culture in the Kingdom influences the international performance of these MNCs. To attain this objective (n = 206) MNCs in the Kingdom have adopted internationalisation strategies. Questionnaires were administered as part of a survey approach for this study. To forecast and estimate relationships, partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was employed. This study indicates that improving internationalization performance, mainly through active participation in foreign markets, is one of the SMEs’ strategies during the internationalization process. The empirical findings demonstrate that international entrepreneurial orientation influences the internationalisation performance of SMEs largely influenced by organisational culture. Previous research shows that the success of SMEs’ internationalization, however, is not directly impacted by their international entrepreneurial orientation. This study supports the significance of organisational culture during internationalisation. This study offers insightful information that motivates policymakers and owner-managers in developing nations, especially in KSA, to build organizational cultures and dynamic capacities that meet the demands of globalization in today’s business scenario.
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