Enhancing secure access through time-stamped password analysis: Implications for infrastructure and policy development
Vol 8, Issue 15, 2024
The proposed research work encompasses implications for infrastructure particularly the cybersecurity as an essential in soft infrastructure, and policy making particularly on secure access management of infrastructure governance. In this study, we introduce a novel parameter focusing on the timestamp duration of password entry, enhancing the algorithm titled EPSBalgorithmv01 with seven parameters. The proposed parameter incorporates an analysis of the historical time spent by users entering their passwords, employing ARIMA for processing. To assess the efficacy of the updated algorithm, we developed a simulator and employed a multi-experimental approach. The evaluation utilized a test dataset comprising 617 authentic records from 111 individuals within a selected company spanning from 2017 to 2022. Our findings reveal significant advancements in EPSBalgorithmv01 compared to its predecessor namely EPSBalgorithmv00. While EPSBalgorithmv00 struggled with a recognition rate of 28.00% and a precision of 71.171, EPSBalgorithmv01 exhibited a recognition rate of 17% with a precision of 82.882%. Despite a decrease in recognition rate, EPSBalgorithmv01 demonstrates a notable improvement of approximately 14% over EPSBalgorithmv00.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9441
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