Developing synergy learning model for science learning: A case study at islamic junior high school
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024
This research aims to develop a Synergy Learning Model in the context of science learning. This research was conducted at Islamic Junior High School, Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 2 Medan, involving 64 students of Grade 7 as the research subject. The method used in this research refers to the development research approach (R&D). In collecting the data, the research employed test and non-test techniques. The results prove that the Synergy learning model developed is effective in improving student learning outcomes. This is evident through the t-test statistical test where the t-count of 4.26 is higher than the t-table of 1.99. In addition, the level of practicality with a score of 3.39 is categorized as practical. This learning model emphasizes the learning process that supports the development of science skills and develops students' competencies in planning, collaborating, and critically reflecting. The findings of this study contribute to pedagogical practices and literature in the field of science learning.
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