Evaluating corporate sustainability and ethical practices in logistics: A case study of Kerry Logistics Network Limited

Bablu Kumar Dhar, Roman Meinhold, Christoph Wagner, Sharmila Devi Ramachandaran, Natthaphong Pennak, Natthanicha Laohasaran, Yuthika Viratpan, Ranjithkumar Rajamani

Article ID: 9399
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024


This study evaluates the sustainability and ethical practices of Kerry Logistics Network Limited (KLN), a prominent logistics service provider headquartered in Hong Kong. Using normative ethical theories, stakeholder analysis, and the Circle of Sustainability framework, this research examines KLN’s alignment with global sustainability standards, particularly the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The findings reveal that KLN has achieved significant milestones in environmental management, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 11% from 2021 to 2022 through the deployment of electric trucks and incorporating renewable energy in warehouse operations. KLN has also enhanced social responsibility and governance practices by implementing fair labor policies and establishing a rigorous code of conduct, ensuring compliance with ethical guidelines across its supply chain. However, the study identifies areas for improvement, including biodiversity actions, battery recycling processes, and transparency in stakeholder engagement. Emphasizing the importance of third-party validation, this paper underscores KLN’s leadership in the logistics industry and provides insights for other companies aiming to improve sustainability performance through comprehensive, verifiable practices.


sustainability; ethical practices; logistics industry; Kerry Logistics Network Limited; greenhouse gas emissions; stakeholder engagement; renewable energy

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jipd9399


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Copyright (c) 2024 Bablu Kumar Dhar, Roman Meinhold, Christoph Wagner, Sharmila Devi Ramachandaran, Natthaphong Pennak, Natthanicha Laohasaran, Yuthika Viratpan, Ranjithkumar Rajamani

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