How does knowledge based human resource management practices enhance organizational performance? The mediating role of knowledge workers productivity

Fakhra Yasmin, Syed Arslan Haider, Mariam Sohail, Shehnaz Tehseen, Petra Poulova, Ahsan Akbar

Article ID: 9383
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This research aims to investigate the impact of knowledge-based human resource management (KBHRM) practices on organizational performance through the mediating role of quality and quantity of knowledge worker productivity (QQKWP). The data were collected from 325 employees working in different private universities of Pakistan by using convenience and purposive sampling techniques. The quantitative research technique was used to perform analysis on WarpPLS software. The result revealed that only knowledge-based recruiting practices have a positive and significant direct effect on organizational performance. While knowledge-based performance appraisal practices, training and development practices and compensation practices all were insignificant in this regard. However, through mediator QQKWP, the knowledge-based recruiting practices (KBRP), knowledge-based training and development (KBTD), and knowledge-based compensation practices (KBCP) all were positively and significantly influencing organizational performance but only knowledge-based performance appraisal (KBPA) was insignificant in this mediating relationship. Lastly, the current study provides useful insights into the knowledge management (KM) literature in the context of private higher educational institutes of developing countries like Pakistan. The future studies should consider the impact of KBHRM practices on knowledge workers’ productivity and firms’ performances in the context of public universities.


knowledge-based training and development; performance appraisal; recruiting practices; compensation practices; organizational performance

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