Earthquake risks assessment and urban vulnerability: Case of Nador city, northeast Morocco

Mohammed Hlal, Rida Azmi, Jérôme Chenal, El Bachir Diop, Meriem Adraoui, Seyid Abdellahi Ebnou Abdem, Imane Serbouti, Mariem Bounabi

Article ID: 9381
Vol 8, Issue 14, 2024


This study introduces an innovative approach to assessing seismic risks and urban vulnerabilities in Nador, a coastal city in northeastern Morocco at the convergence of the African and Eurasian tectonic plates. By integrating advanced spatial datasets, including Landsat 8–9 OLI imagery, Digital Elevation Models (DEM), and seismic intensity metrics, the research develops a robust urban vulnerability index model. This model incorporates urban land cover dynamics, topography, and seismic activity to identify high-risk zones. The application of Landsat 8–9 OLI data enables precise monitoring of urban expansion and environmental changes, while DEM analysis reveals critical topographical factors, such as slope instability, contributing to landslide susceptibility. Seismic intensity metrics further enhance the model by quantifying earthquake risk based on historical event frequency and magnitude. The calculation based on higher density in urban areas, allowing for a more accurate representation of seismic vulnerability in densely populated areas. The modeling of seismic intensity reveals that the most susceptible impact area is located in the southern part of Nador, where approximately 50% of the urban surface covering 1780.5 hectares is at significant risk of earthquake disaster due to vulnerable geological formations, such as unconsolidated sediments. While the findings provide valuable insights into urban vulnerabilities, some uncertainties remain, particularly due to the reliance on historical seismic data and the resolution of spatial datasets, which may limit the precision of risk estimations in less densely populated areas. Additionally, future urban expansion and environmental changes could alter vulnerability patterns, underscoring the need for continuous monitoring and model refinement. Nonetheless, this research offers actionable recommendations for local policymakers to enhance urban planning, enforce earthquake-resistant building codes, and establish early warning systems. The methodology also contributes to the global discourse on urban resilience in seismically active regions, offering a transferable framework for assessing vulnerability in other coastal cities with similar tectonic risks.


seismic risk; urban vulnerability; Nador; seismic vulnerability indices; landslides; risk mitigation strategies

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