Humanizing leadership for effective change management: Exploring the impact of organizational culture as a moderator

Nusrat Khan, Mashael Abdullah Zidan, Asra Inkesar, Mohammed Faishal Mallick

Article ID: 9374
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024


This research aimed to investigate the role of humanizing leadership in enhancing the effectiveness of change management strategies within organizations. Specifically, it focused on how humanizing leadership influences change outcomes and the extent to which organizational culture moderates this relationship. The study addressed critical questions regarding the impact of leadership behaviors, such as model vulnerability, emotional intelligence, open communication, and psychological safety on effective change management and employee performance. A quantitative approach was employed to provide a comprehensive analysis of the phenomena. Quantitative data were collected from a sample of 325 employees through surveys that measured perceptions of Humanizing leadership behaviors, organizational culture, and change outcomes. Data was analyzed by IBM SPSS 26.0. The findings revealed that humanizing leadership behaviors significantly enhances the success of change initiatives, primarily through improved employee engagement and reduced resistance. Organizational culture was found to play a moderating role, amplifying the positive effects of empathetic and inclusive leadership practices. The study provides actionable recommendations for organizational leaders and managers to foster a culture that supports humanizing leadership. By adopting leadership strategies that emphasize vulnerability, empathy, and inclusivity, organizations can enhance their adaptability and resilience against the backdrop of continuous change. These findings are particularly valuable for enhancing managerial practices and informing policy within corporate settings.


humanizing leadership; model vulnerability; emotional intelligence; open communication; psychological safety; effective change management; employee performance

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