Trends in gender role attitudes and gender awareness among Generation Z college students in China

Huaying Fang, Velan A/L Kunjuraman

Article ID: 9359
Vol 8, Issue 16, 2024


In the current context of multicultural collision, online information is impacting traditional gender values. To analyze the changes in gender role attitudes and gender awareness among Chinese Generation Z college students under the influence of various social factors, the study focuses on Generation Z college students and explores the impact of cultural, media, educational, and family factors on gender role attitudes and gender awareness among Chinese Generation Z college students through questionnaire surveys and quantitative analysis methods. The research results show that Generation Z college students exhibit extremely favorable gender perspectives, with the proportion of bisexual gender roles approaching 38%, surpassing the number of students with traditional understanding of single sex gender roles. At the same time, in school gender awareness education, research has found that the proportion of bisexual gender roles is the highest among students who accept open mindedness, at 46.6%. In family gender awareness education, students who receive parental gender awareness sharing education have the highest proportion of bisexual gender roles, accounting for 48.5%. Therefore, the current gender education for the new Generation of students in China needs to abandon traditional avoidance-based teaching methods and adopt an open and supportive attitude to guide students’ gender values.


gender role attitude; gender awareness; Generation Z of China; college students in China

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